Wednesday, October 10, 2018 Credit Union Statistics Federal Reserve 180 CUs Borrowed from Fed's Discount Window in Q3 2015 "Credit News 24" During the third quarter of 2015, 180 credit unions borrowed from the Federal Reserve's Discount Window. In comparison, 166 credit union...
Sunday, October 7, 2018 Credit Union Statistics Federal Reserve Consumer Credit at CUs Grew at a Slower Pace in August "Credit News 24" The Federal Reserve reported that outstanding consumer credit at credit unions edged higher in August. Consumer credit increased from $411.7...
Sunday, September 9, 2018 Credit Union Statistics Federal Reserve Consumer Credit Surges at CUs in July "Credit News 24" The Federal Reserve reported a strong increase in outstanding consumer credit union at credit unions in July. Outstanding consumer credit gr...
Saturday, July 14, 2018 Credit Union Statistics Federal Reserve 166 CUs Borrowed from Fed's Discount Window During Q2 2015 "Credit News 24" One hundred sixty-six credit unions borrowed from the Federal Reserve's discount window during the second quarter of 2015. In compariso...
Thursday, June 14, 2018 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau FDIC Federal Reserve Legal NCUA Regulation Treasury Recommendations Could Impact Credit Unions and NCUA "Credit News 24" The United States Department of the Treasury (Treasury) released on June 12th a report, A Financial System that Creates Economic Opportuniti...
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 Credit Union Statistics Federal Reserve 118 CUs Borrowed from Fed's Discount Window in Q1 2015 "Credit News 24" The Federal Reserve is reporting that 118 credit unions borrowed almost $397.8 million from its Discount Window during the first quarter of ...
Saturday, April 7, 2018 Credit Union Statistics Federal Reserve Consumer Credit at Credit Unions Grew In February "Credit News 24" Outstanding consumer credit at credit unions grew in February by $3.3 billion to $389.5 billion, according to the Federal Reserve's G.19...
Saturday, February 17, 2018 Central Liquidity Facility Commentary Conservatorship Federal Reserve Liquidity NCUA NCUSIF Additional Thoughts on Melrose "Credit News 24" While I have commented on Melrose Credit Union's solvency, I have not focused enough attention on Melrose's liquidity position. Duri...
Wednesday, January 17, 2018 Credit Union Practices Credit Union Statistics Federal Reserve 324 CUs Borrowed from Fed's Discount Window, Q4 2014 "Credit News 24" In the fourth quarter of 2014, 324 credit unions borrowed from the Federal Reserve's Discount Window. In comparison, 179 credit unions b...