Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Economy Wolfstreet Equifax Hack Aftermath: 'Credit Freeze' vs. 'Credit Lock' "Credit News 24" By Wolf Richter, Wolf Street Credit industry's doom-and-gloom scenario: Consumers suddenly becoming prudent. “Let’s face it, 143 m...
Thursday, September 28, 2017 bubble Economy Real estate Wolfstreet The US Cities with the Biggest Housing Bubbles "Credit News 24" By Wolf Richter, Wolf Street The term “housing bubble” to describe the housing market that peaked in 2006 and imploded with spectacula...
Friday, September 15, 2017 Economy Wolfstreet Why Consumer Spending Has Been Dragging Despite “Record Median Household Income” "Credit News 24" By Wolf Richter, Wolf Street One more thing about the new Census Bureau’s Income and Poverty report for 2016, which found to the great...
Friday, September 8, 2017 ECB euro Europe Wolfstreet ECB's Fresh New War on Cash "Credit News 24" By Don Quijones, Wolf Street The European Central Bank (ECB), arguably the European Union’s most powerful and least accountable instit...
Monday, August 21, 2017 Goldman Tech Wolfstreet Goldman's 'Practical Reasons' to Offload $75 MM+ Spotify Shares "Credit News 24" By Wolf Richter, Wolf Street Until shares can be sold, “valuations” remain fake wealth. With Friends like these… Goldman Sachs’ hedge ...
Wednesday, August 9, 2017 Autos Tech Wolfstreet How Uber Created Its Own $360 Million Subprime Leasing Crisis "Credit News 24" By Wolf Richter, Wolf Street Layoffs and massive losses loom. Uber, which has lost $3 billion last year and has gotten itself into a thi...